Ninja Gaiden, of the most iconic and beloved 2D action game series ever created, was first released in the arcades in 1988, while making its console debut on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) later in the same year. At the time of the console release, Ninja Gaiden was renowned not only for its deep storytelling beautifully visualized by TECMO’s unique “cinema scenes,” but also through its legendary chiptune soundtrack, whose unique rock-’n’-roll sound and drum beat instantly became a formative musical experience for players who were only just getting into video games.
Ninja Gaiden: The Definitive Soundtrack is divided into volumes. The first, Ninja Gaiden Vol. 1, features the music of both the NES title and the Arcade game, both titled Ninja Gaiden. These legendary soundtracks have been digitally restored under the supervision of Keiji Yamagishi, one of the original series composers. The booklet includes a comprehensive roundtable discussion among several members of the original development team, including the director, producers, artist and composers; an essay by game historian Ray Barnholt; and original archival artworks.
1. The Moonlight Duel (Nes)
2. Determination Father's Message (Nes)
3. The Dragon Ninja (Nes)
4. Mysterious Woman (Nes)
5. Bravery on the Clutches (Nes)
6. Reminiscence (Nes)
7. A Sudden Development (Nes)
8. Like a Howling Gale (Nes)
9. In Hiding Pursuing the Nightmare (Nes)
10. Eyecatch (Nes)
11. The Cia (Nes)
12. The Sanctuary of Shadows (Nes)
13. The Amazing Ryu (Nes)
14. Crisis (Nes)
15. Surprise Attack the Wicked God's Secret Maneuvers (Nes)
16. Malth the Crimson Terror (Nes)
17. The Truth Concealed (Nes)
18. Melancholy Destiny (Nes)
19. Requiem (Nes)
20. The Truth Concealed (Reprise) (Nes)
21. The Menace of Jaquio (Nes)
22. Showdown at the Portal of Death (Battlefield) (Nes)
23. The Demon's Incantation (Nes)
24. In a Pinch the Ordeal of Battle (Nes)
25. At the End of the Battle (Nes)
26. Irene Overture of Dawn (Prelude) (Nes)
27. Credits (Nes)
28. Game Over (Nes)
29. Cinema Display Sound Attack (Nes)
30. Cinema Display Sound Attack (Nes)
31. Sound Effects (Nes)
32. Insert Coin (Ac)
33. Game Start (Ac)
34. La Stage (Ac)
35. La Stage / Grand Canyon Stage Boss (Ac)
36. Round Clear (Ac)
37. NY Stage (Ac)
38. NY Stage / Transcontinental Railroad Stage Boss (Ac)
39. Round Clear (Ac)
40. Las Vegas Stage (Ac)
41. Las Vegas Stage Boss (Ac)
42. Round Clear (Ac)
43. Grand Canyon Stage (Japan) (Ac)
44. Grand Canyon Stage (Usa) (Ac)
45. Round Clear (Ac)
46. Transcontinental Railroad Stage (Ac)
47. Round Clear (Ac)
48. Final Stage (Ac)
49. Final Stage Boss (Ac)
50. Time's Up (Ac)
51. Game Over (Ac)
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