This gig has had to be rescheduled again and will now take place on Friday 22nd April 2022. The statement below relates to the first postponement but is still relevant for the subsequent change.
Durham Punk Fest presents...
UK Subs
Friday 22nd April 2022
Brudenell Social Club
Age Restriction: 14+ with Adult / 16+ without
Please see the band statement below:
This is an unusually long post but I would appreciate you all reading it in its
entirety as it’s essential that on behalf of the UK Subs I set out our present
position in full…
It’s with a heavy heart that I have to report from UK Subs’ HQ that our
forthcoming UK Spring tour running from April 9th to May 10th is to be
rescheduled for next year, on or around April 1st to May 2nd 2021. There are
two equally important reasons for this decision. Our dear friend and comrade in
Punk, Charlie Harper, is about to reach the age of 76 and with his underlying
health issues would be a prime candidate for the worse possible outcome if he
was to be infected with the Corona virus during this touring cycle. He has also
acquired a respiratory problem whilst recently touring Europe (not Corona
related) that has persisted and is presently on his second course of antibiotics. It
would be sheer madness to risk his health and life in such circumstances as all
the indicators are the pandemic will become far more widespread with
significantly greater numbers of people being infected over the next few months
and, very possibly, for far longer. This is something Jamie, Steve, Charlie’s
wife Yuko and I have concluded after discussions together, as well as with
Charlie himself.
The second equally valid reason is that we do not want to be responsible for the
spread and thereafter the possible consequences to people’s health and
wellbeing of this new and virulent virus strain by gathering people together in
our name. As Charlie said to me just a couple of days ago ‘It’s not only about
me Alvin, it’s about everybody else and those who come to see us putting
themselves in danger of getting the virus if we go ahead with this’. We are all in
agreement with Charlie’s point of view and believe it’s now time to be
conscientious and concerned about others rather than some macho posturing and
the deluded idea that just because you play in a band you are somehow exempt
from the laws of biology and have no duty of care or consideration to your
audience. This is a virus that doesn’t give a damn about your social or scene
status and although most of those infected will develop no more than flu-like
symptoms, if they in turn unintentionally infect their elderly parents,
grandparents, the old lady or elderly fella next door, younger people with
respiratory illnesses, or diabetes, or heart problems, or young children, the
outcome could very well be deadly serious for these categories of vulnerable
people – and it can take up to a week for the flu-like symptoms to develop post
virus acquisition when, during this seemingly healthy period, you are still able
to pass on the virus to others – this what I mean by ‘unintentionally infect’.
You all know the touring culture of the UK Subs. We are perhaps the hardest
working Punk rock outfit there is, playing more shows and embarking on more
tours per year than just about any other band in the genre. It’s not in our DNA to
postpone tours and we are very sad and apologetic in having to do so. We are all
too aware that people have already made plans, booked hotels and travel tickets
and were looking forward to seeing the band play live again in the forthcoming
months. The band was equally eager to perform for you all and we unreservedly
apologise for the disappointment and the unravelling of plans and travel
arrangements this postponement will produce. We too are greatly affected.
Being a professional outfit that relies on touring for its income we will be losing
a considerable amount of money in concert fees and merchandise sales, plus
we’d already booked non-refundable hotels and, living in France, I have
personally paid out for non-refundable return train tickets to Paris and return
tickets on Eurostar from Paris to London specifically for this tour. There is no
statutory sick pay for us and no means of financial support during this
indeterminate length of time until it’s again rational to get back to gigging and
earning. But we believe there are more important things at stake at present than
money, and that people’s health and wellbeing should take precedent over
economic considerations.
Over the next couple of weeks the UK may well follow the examples of Italy,
Spain and other European countries in closing bars, restaurants, clubs, theatres,
and other places where people gather as well as compelling people to remain in
their homes, allowing only brief trips to chemists or food vendors. My adopted
country of France has already implemented all these measures, instigated a
blanket ban on internal travel apart from essential workers (doctors, nurses, etc)
and has closed the borders so although it is still possible to leave the nation,
unless you’re a French national you cannot return. I now even have to
download, print and fill in a government form before leaving my house on each
occasion to explain why I need to venture outside, or face a fine if challenged
by the gendarmes. Obviously, getting to the UK to play with the Subs is
therefore no longer an option for me. Consequently, I have no choice but to also
postpone and later reschedule the five shows I was due to play in the UK in
May with the Disobedient Servants. Charlie is likewise rescheduling his May
solo gigs for later dates. We will be giving regular updates on how those who
have already purchased tickets will be able to reuse them for the rescheduled
tour and these solo gigs.
Strange days indeed, but we need to accept and accordingly react to the reality
of the present situation rather than irrationally expect reality to change for our
own convenience and pleasure. If we look after each other and show
consideration and common sense towards our fellow citizens as an act of
solidarity, things will return to normality sooner rather than later; at which point
the UK Subs will return to entertain you in the manner you’re accustomed to,
playing loud and proud Punk rock music around the world and ever ready to
chat and share a beer with you at the bar. For now though, stay safe, stay
healthy and we will see you all again when this loathsome pandemic has run its
Alvin Gibbs, on behalf of Charlie and Yuko Harper, Stephen Straughan and
Jamie Oliver – collectively known as the UK Subs.
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